Monday, August 8, 2011

Another viewing today

We will be having a realtor showing our house at some time today.  She called last night around 6:00 PM wanting to show the house but was running late and could she show the house today.  Of course she could.

This call came in at dinner time for us.  We were in the middle of fixing it and the house obviously was not in show ready.  Why would a realtor think that we would drop what we are doing, especially at the end of the day, and welcome them with open arms.  Yes, we are trying to sell the house but there has to be some common sense too.  Our realtor said if they had a client or it was a second showing then we should let them do it.  If the realtor just wanted to preview the home, they could wait until the next day.

One thing is for sure, we have had a lot of activity.  People have looked and commented they like the house.  I guess there is so much out there between short sales and foreclosures that the buyer has much to look at and figure out.  Our house is neither of those so it should be a very easy sale.  That one buyer is out there, I know it.  They just have to show up.

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