Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hampton Lake

We had our design meeting last week. We flew into Charleston South Carolina to go to David Weekley's Design Center. This place had everything you needed to design your home from the outside to the inside. We had to pick colors for the siding and the brick. From the shingles to the front door. We had different styles of garage door to choose from and the outside lights for the front and side. Then we moved inside...

We started with the kitchen. What kind of cabinet do you want? What color? Light or dark? Detail or none? What type of cabinets do you need? Do you need a trash cabinet by the sink? How about a drop open tray to store your sponges, etc.? What about a separate cabinet for your cookie sheets and cutting boards? Do you want drawers for your pots and pans or just a cabinet? Would you like pull out shelves?

What do you want for the top of the cabinets? Granite? What color? Do you want a back splash? Do you want a design? How do you want the tiles to look and the color?

Now lets move onto the floor. What type of floor do you want? Wood, tile, stone? How far do you want to use this type of flooring? What about light fixtures over the kitchen island?

Do you want to upgrade anything?

So are we are using the same color cabinets and granite that are in the kitchen for all the bathrooms? Are we using carpet for the bedrooms? What color? What style? What thickness? How does it feel? How will it wear?

Oh, and what about the shower? Are we changing to tile or keeping the standard? If changing, what will it be and what color? Will both bathrooms be changed?

This process lasted all day! We started at 9:00 AM and finished around 5:00 PM. We did stop for lunch but the rest of the time we were choosing everything. We had to do it this way as making trips back and forth are difficult.  This should give you a little idea of what the colors should be...

The bottom color is the wood floor, which will be through the main part of the house.  The tile at the top that is plain tan and a design tile on top will be for the kitchen back splash.  The 2x2 squares are for the bottom of the master shower.  The cabinet color and design goes well with everything and the granite really stands out.
This picture gives you a better look at the granite, cabinet color, and tile.  The dark color you see is the counter we were working on and is not part of the design.
This pictures shows you all the different things that were chosen.  The carpet is on the bottom left and it is a light chocolate.  It matches up really nice against the wood floor.  The wood floor is stressed so it looks already marked up.  We won't have to worry about Frankie and his nails.

This last picture is trying to show you the paint colors.  It will be a soft green for the main part of the house with a soft yellow in the bedrooms.

Here are some pictures of our lot and of the back.

This is the beginning of our driveway or the front of the lot.

This is the small opening we have to the rest of the lake.  Our house will be one of 4 facing the lake. We are the only ones that will have a dock.
This is the side view of the lot.  No one will be building to the left of us.  This is all green preserve that you see and will not be touched.

I hope this gives you an idea of what things might be looking like.  We are looking forward to seeing it all together.  We are still waiting on four more things to be priced before a final contract is signed.  The contractor wants to build and close on this home by Christmas.  So Very quick!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our first conference call on our new home

We had our first conference call about the new house in Bluffton South Carolina this morning. Because of the time difference we had to have the call at 8:00 am our time to 11:00 eastern time. We went over all the questions we had and it went very well. It just makes the process of getting this house more of a reality.

It is scary to think we will have a second home for a couple of years before actually moving into it. We wonder if we are doing the right thing in moving to Bluffton. We won't have to deal with snow and too much cold, which is what we are looking for, so I guess this is the right place.

We are getting a house right on water. We will have a boat dock to have a Duffy boat. A Duffy boat is one that is battery charged. The lake they have is a no wake zone so this boat is the best one to have unless you use a canoe or kayak. They do have those to rent.

We will have room for visitors and things for people to do. The pool area will be great for the kids and there is a separate pool for adults only. If anyone wants to go camping, they have that too. We aren't into it but someone might.

The people that we have talked with have all been very nice. I think it will be a good place for us. The only issue I have is that we aren't closer to family but with us being on retirement, we can drive to see everyone. We will have the time.

After this house is built, the "fun" time will be to furnish it. We will have most of our things here but we will need things there for when we visit or anyone else. i have to figure that one out.

We were asked if we could close by the end of this year. We said yes. This just means we won't be getting each other Christmas presents for each other but things for the new house. We will need everything. This will make it easy when you ask what can you get us - ha ha.

Dad has already had some hints that Clark is getting ready for him to retire. It has caught him by surprise as it makes it a little more real for him. The job will be ending for him. He hopes he can continue to work for a least another two years but Clark is positioning itself to bring in another Chief Estimator for him to start working with. Again that was a shocker for him to hear about that at a planning for the future meeting yesterday. Changes will be happening in the next few years.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's August Already

Where has the summer gone? We are already into the second week of August. The month is just flying by. The coast of California really has not had a summer this year. Around here it has stayed in the upper 60's to low 70's every day. Some days were better than others, meaning we had gray, foggy days. No rain, just gloomy. We finally are seeing sun. I know that some of you have had enough of the heat and want it to go away. I hope it will for you and soon.

We did buy a house in Bluffton, South Carolina, in Hampton Lakes. It will be one that will be built. We aren't in a big hurry for the construction to be finished as the longer it takes, the longer it will be before we have to start making mortgage payments. The builder, David Weekly Homes, has given us a lot of extras for the first year. They are paying for the first year of POA. This is Property Owner Association. Every one has their own take on things - ha,ha. They are also paying for the first year of lawn maintenance which will be helpful to us. Anything to cut our expenses. We haven't been given a date for completion but we are guessing January 2011.

We are still in limbo about the job in Denver for the VA Hospital. The VA still has not made up their minds. So we wait and wait some more. One of these days we will be surprised with an announcement. Will we still be going to Denver? Depends on whether Clark wants us too. We are supposed too. We will have to wait and see. See, more waiting. Talk about having patience...

I am doing well so far on the new drug for walking. I should be starting on taking 2 tablets in about a week and a half. It does feel scary to me but I am hoping everything will be fine. I haven't had any problems now. I have my next infusion of the steroid on August 21. This will leave me one more month of it and then I see the doctor again. Thank goodness for insurance!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Medical Update

I just had my MS neurologist check up today and on the whole everything if fine. I have to have some blood work done to check on things like my liver. I am continuing on the steroid for another 3 months. The Solu-medrol will be administered as before, at the hospital by IV. It usually only takes about an hour or so. Not too long. I just don't like the after effects. I get very red, like I have a very bad sun burn, for a day and I can't sleep for 34 hours. I can a lot done if I have things to do.

I will be starting on a new medicine. It is called Ampyra, (pronounced amPEERah). It is the new drug that was developed for MS patients to help with their walking. I should start it in a couple of weeks. I hope that I won't have any problem with this drug but there are side effects. The biggest one is that it can cause seizures. I am not prone to seizures so I should be OK. Just the same, the doctor is being cautious. He is telling me that when I start, to only take one pill for a month and then if I do fine with it, then I can take the full dose of 2 pills a day, 12 hours apart. The things I have read online does sound pretty promising. Some people have improved walking along with some of their other symptoms. I am to have more endurance and more speed in my walking. Anything will be helpful.

So I stay on everything else. I had an increase in one of my other drugs for depression. I think that was caused for two reasons. One, because I had a flare-up, and Two, because of the flare-up, I started to fear that the MS was starting to take a turn for the worse again after being quiet for awhile. I still have that thought but I am trying to stay positive. I am just not happy about having to be on the steroids again. It did stop things the last time so maybe it will do it again.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Frankie is sick. We aren't sure what has caused his problem but we took him to the vet today and he has medicine to be given over the next 5 days. Frankie has been sleeping a lot, not playing much, not eating a lot, and having diarrhea. Not much fun for him or me. I was the one that had dealt with that part as Dad was out of town for a business meeting. Why does it always have to happen in the middle of the night? There had been a dog in the development that had contracted a disease from the other dog droppings and had to be quarantined for about a week, their house had to be disinfected, and any clothing or objects that had come in contact with the dog had to be washed. That dog is doing fine now but what a problem the owner had to go through. We are hoping Frankie is not infected with anything like that but we will know for sure next week.

Frankie is very quiet today, especially after the vet appointment. He was given a shot and fluids to help him get over whatever is bothering him. After the medicine, we take him back next Saturday for shots if he is doing OK.

The vet did weigh him and he is 6 pounds 8 ounces. A little heavy but too bad. The extra treats that are given to him, like the sharing of the dinner, breakfast, snacks, need to stop or at least slow down. The vet doesn't know about the extra stuff. If she did, she would be very upset. It is hard to ignore those brown eyes!

An unwelcome visitor

About a week ago, I was out walking Frankie in the afternoon. It was a very nice day and we had a very nice walk. When we returned home, we were met with a very unexpected visitor. Frankie did not notice it, thank goodness, but I surely did! It was a SNAKE.

A snake right on the sidewalk to the front door of our house. I had to think - was this a poisonous one or non? I didn't see a rattle so I was safe from that type. What kind was it?

We were able to get around it as it would move away from us when we got closer. I had already picked Frankie up. I had actually done that as soon as I saw the snake. I did not want him to go sniffing at this thing! We got into the house, I put him down, and I grab my camera! I had to show Dad what we had show up. Out the front door I went, camera in hand. This is what I saw...

OK, he was big. I looked at the Southern California snakes and I think it is a Garter snake. It looks like the picture anyway as it has that yellow strip that runs the length of its body like a garter would on a woman. Anyway, it is non poisonous. What excitement that was!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I want to catch you up

I know it has been quite a while since I last wrote. I thought this was a good time to get everyone caught up on things.

I had my last infusion of solu-medrol today. It is that steroid that I have been taking once a month by IV at a hospital out-patient. It was given to me because I have been having difficulty again walking any distance or for any length of time. I do have a problem with foot drop. It is my right foot and what this means is when my legs get tired, I start having a problem keeping that foot picked up when I walked. I have a tendency to catch it on things and it doesn't have to be going over a bump. I can stumble even on carpet or bare floor. I was given a brace to wear on the right foot to keep that foot up when I walk. When I wear it, I can go farther and it almost gives me the feeling of walking normal again. The problem I do have is that I can't wear it to drive so I can either wear it, then take it off to drive, and then put it back on when I get to my destination. The brace isn't hard to put on and off - its just a drag to do it.

With this change in my status, it has brought depression. I have always had depression but have handled it. This is just upsetting that the MS has reared its head again and I am having problems once again. Dad and I aren't talking too much about it. We are both aware. We are both upset about it but there isn't much we can do about it. He doesn't feel the shots I have had have done any good. I am still the same. I do have to agree. The last time this happened, I had to be on the steroid for three years before I came off of it. I wonder if I have to do it again or is there something else. Do I just have to accept and hope it goes back into remission soon? This is what I am dealing with and why my emotions are up and down. I can be short tempered and abrupt, unfocused, and not remembering things said. I guess you can see why the depression. Trying to stay in control of oneself takes a lot of effort.

I know when we have visited, I find myself by myself a lot. I am not sure if that is my fault but I apologize if I have given off any reason for you to stay away. I do find the grandchildren not being near me as much but with Dad. I also know I can't do as much either so that is hard. I really feel bad about that as we don't visit too often and I would like to spend time with everyone.

I don't mean to bring everyone down. I just wanted to give you an idea of what has been really going on since about April. It looks like it may continue to go for some time. So just please understand.

Dad has been flying quite a bit. Not real long trips but he has flown to San Francisco and Salt Lake City, Utah. We are still waiting on the decision on Denver. The VA Hospital is still up in the air as to who will be building it. The VA has been asking for more and more information from the contractors. The latest time frame is the end of June. This whole process started believe or not in January. Talk about patience.

The latest on Dad's retirement: January 1, 2013. He decided the date. He will be 62 at this point and he wants to stop. Stayed tuned to this one. He does say he is going to do it. Where are we going to land? That is the big question. Very undecided!

Well, I guess that is about all for now. I will probably be up the rest of the night. This is what happens with this drug. It gives you energy and keeps you awake. Take care everyone. Love to all.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On the Steroids Again1

I am back on the monthly steroids (solumedrol, 1000 mgs) again but I am hoping it is just for a short course this time. I have been having some walking issues again. My legs just didn't want to work well for me after walking just a short time. The main problem was with my right foot and leg. When it fatigues, it causes what is called a "dropped foot". What this means is that it becomes more difficult for me to pick up my foot so that I clear things. This is why I can trip over the weirdest things like a piece of carpet or the floor. I really have to watch and concentrate to make sure my foot is lifted when I walk. I also start to walk slower and slower as my legs fatigue more and more. I tell you, MS is a real pain! (not literally for me)

I have an "AFO" (Artificial Foot Orthotic) or a brace for my foot. It keeps my foot in the upright position so I can walk fairly normal without the fatigue factor. The only problem I have with it is with driving. I can't use it when I do. So even with the steroid series, I will still need to use the brace. I am just hoping it won't be as often as I having to use it now.

The other side effect of this steroid (solumedrol)- it can cause one to have a lot of energy and not be able to sleep. So I could be in for a long night tonight.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trips are starting up again

The trips are starting again. We have a new location this time and it is to Salt Lake City Utah! There is a large data center needing to be built there and so the process begins. A trip to Washington, DC. next week. A trip to Utah the beginning of April. There will be a trip to St. Augustine, Florida the week after Utah in April and then a trip to Monterey California for an AGC function in May. There are other trips ahead for Utah and Washington DC as this major job gets underway. It will be about an $800-900 million dollar job. Clark will be working with another company in order to get it done.

I am going to try and go on some of these trips but I have to juggle my time around too. Sometimes it isn't worth the effort as it is only a day or two. I do not like being by myself but I have done it so many times over the years that I have been able to handle it.

We are trying to make changes to the front of the house by getting rid of some shrubs that have been in this one flower bed for ever and replace them with something new and fresh. Once everything is removed, it will be a large wall. Ideas are not forthcoming to us. We need to get someone to give us ideas so we don't put the wrong things into the ground. We also need to make sure the plants are drought and fire tolerate too. Either someone needs to come out or we need to go to a plant nursery. It is one of those to-do things as we have had rain every weekend. One of these days - look out - what a mess we will have. LOL

We also need to change our bedspread and window treatments. Michelle, I could use your talents. We talk about doing this but it is pretty much dumped in my lap with the phrase "but you are better at picking out this stuff than I am". Other words, just take care of it and I will enjoy the results.

Oh, I also have to tell you that we want to replace the carpet in the two bedrooms so we have to look for that too. I should say I need to track people down to do it. So, lets see, that makes three big projects for me - the carpet, the window treatments, and the plants. I really don't have anything else to do so why not... I love my husband and your father. Its a good thing we aren't on a timeline.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update on Job and other stuff

Well the presentation is over. Dad is on his way back to California. By the news reports, it sounds like he is getting out of Washington DC at the right time as a snow storm will be hitting on Friday. Dad thought their presentation was good but only time will tell if they succeeded. Clark should know something by April or May.

The whole time Dad was there, he was also dealing with a cold. A cold he started having before he left. Of course he didn't think he was and didn't take anything for it or anything with him. Surprise! He had to go buy some stuff to take to help with congestion and throat lozenges. He seemed to be sounding better the last I talked with him.

Now Dad was to fly back to Washington next week but the bid he had on Wednesday was to take place so he wasn't going. That has now changed once more. This bid has been moved. The question he has now is - should he fly to Washington to attend this meeting and then stay to see his sons or stay home a whole week? He has been wanting to see family but it just hasn't worked out on his trips. I think it will depend on how he is feeling when he returns. If he is not feeling well, I am voting for him to take that week to get better. Why run yourself down when you have an opportunity to regain some energy back. Dad has a long process on this next big job in Utah. There will be further opportunities to see family. This is my opinion and not Dad's.

We are getting rain storms Friday and Saturday. It won't be a tremendous amount, up to 3". Every little bit helps.

Our housing area is having a problem with two large coyotes. I haven't seen them but some people have. One neighbor has said that his dog has been stalked by them. They appear at dusk but have also been seen at night. Very scary when I think about taking Frankie out to do his business at night and wonder if they are out there watching. They would love to get their mouth around him as he is the right size. So I watch and try not to spend to much time outside at night. There are times when I have to convince Frankie to get his act together as he wants to sniff around. I guess he would know if something isn't right. He does scare me when he stops and just stares into the darkness. I am also looking but I don't see a thing. It just gives you the creeps.

Monday, February 1, 2010

By myself again

Dad has left again for a trip to Washington DC. This is for the final phase of the Denver VA Hospital bid. His team will be presenting on Thursday before the VA Committee. The five contractors that have bid this job, have to do this same process. From the five, one will be selected based on their price and their presentation. A lot of pressure. Dad went early because they will practice and practice their presentation. They will fine tune it and make sure everyone has their part just so.

I could have gone with him but I didn't think it would have been very much fun for me. I would have sat in the hotel room and waited for him. I can do that here in California. I know it isn't the same as being with him but his head will be with that presentation so our conversations would have been limited. Afterwards, he will be exhausted. It takes a lot out of him. The stress is overwhelming.

He was to fly back to Washington next week, Feb. 8, 9, 10, but he also has a bid here in California on the the 10th. Unless it moves, Dad will be staying here that week. The meeting in Washington will be passed up. There will be others as this is on the large job in Utah (1 billion dollars).

I will be glad when Dad can stay home longer than 3 days. This has been going on since the first of the year. At least I was with him for the first couple of weeks. This has been the most he has flown in such a long time. He is good at what he does and the company knows it. I think he also has a few other people pulling for him to get the job too! :-)