Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update on Job and other stuff

Well the presentation is over. Dad is on his way back to California. By the news reports, it sounds like he is getting out of Washington DC at the right time as a snow storm will be hitting on Friday. Dad thought their presentation was good but only time will tell if they succeeded. Clark should know something by April or May.

The whole time Dad was there, he was also dealing with a cold. A cold he started having before he left. Of course he didn't think he was and didn't take anything for it or anything with him. Surprise! He had to go buy some stuff to take to help with congestion and throat lozenges. He seemed to be sounding better the last I talked with him.

Now Dad was to fly back to Washington next week but the bid he had on Wednesday was to take place so he wasn't going. That has now changed once more. This bid has been moved. The question he has now is - should he fly to Washington to attend this meeting and then stay to see his sons or stay home a whole week? He has been wanting to see family but it just hasn't worked out on his trips. I think it will depend on how he is feeling when he returns. If he is not feeling well, I am voting for him to take that week to get better. Why run yourself down when you have an opportunity to regain some energy back. Dad has a long process on this next big job in Utah. There will be further opportunities to see family. This is my opinion and not Dad's.

We are getting rain storms Friday and Saturday. It won't be a tremendous amount, up to 3". Every little bit helps.

Our housing area is having a problem with two large coyotes. I haven't seen them but some people have. One neighbor has said that his dog has been stalked by them. They appear at dusk but have also been seen at night. Very scary when I think about taking Frankie out to do his business at night and wonder if they are out there watching. They would love to get their mouth around him as he is the right size. So I watch and try not to spend to much time outside at night. There are times when I have to convince Frankie to get his act together as he wants to sniff around. I guess he would know if something isn't right. He does scare me when he stops and just stares into the darkness. I am also looking but I don't see a thing. It just gives you the creeps.

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