Monday, February 1, 2010

By myself again

Dad has left again for a trip to Washington DC. This is for the final phase of the Denver VA Hospital bid. His team will be presenting on Thursday before the VA Committee. The five contractors that have bid this job, have to do this same process. From the five, one will be selected based on their price and their presentation. A lot of pressure. Dad went early because they will practice and practice their presentation. They will fine tune it and make sure everyone has their part just so.

I could have gone with him but I didn't think it would have been very much fun for me. I would have sat in the hotel room and waited for him. I can do that here in California. I know it isn't the same as being with him but his head will be with that presentation so our conversations would have been limited. Afterwards, he will be exhausted. It takes a lot out of him. The stress is overwhelming.

He was to fly back to Washington next week, Feb. 8, 9, 10, but he also has a bid here in California on the the 10th. Unless it moves, Dad will be staying here that week. The meeting in Washington will be passed up. There will be others as this is on the large job in Utah (1 billion dollars).

I will be glad when Dad can stay home longer than 3 days. This has been going on since the first of the year. At least I was with him for the first couple of weeks. This has been the most he has flown in such a long time. He is good at what he does and the company knows it. I think he also has a few other people pulling for him to get the job too! :-)

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