Thursday, September 4, 2008

OK, Last post on the circuit breaker

We had the electrician out yesterday to find out why we had some power in some areas and not in others. We had changed the one circuit breaker that we knew was bad but yet we lost some areas that we had no problem with before. Hmmm

He pulled out his tester and started to test all the breakers. They all were testing OK until he got to the new one. The new circuit breaker has a double switch as most of the others do too. One switch was fine and the other was dead. There was the problem. The circuit breaker that was new was defective. The electrician took the new out and returned it for us to where we bought it. He did get a replacement after some difficulty. He basically told them he was going to tell all his clients not to buy from this store because the service was so poor.

Well, the breaker was put in and I checked for the power to the areas we had problems with and we had liftoff... but then there was a light that would not go on. Nuts, what now. The electrician came in, took the lamp apart to check it, it checked fine. We looked to see where the lamp was plugged into and found it was plugged into a circuit breaker. A circuit breaker that was turned off. Once it was clicked on, the light worked. Amazing!

Everything works now. Boy what a tough time it was to get things worked out. We know now what to look out for so hopefully we can figure it out if it should happen again. So we don't have ghosts but just a house that has been built in the early 1970's that is wired weird.

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