Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Las Vegas Again

Another quick trip to Las Vegas today. It is just a one day trip so I will see Dad this evening. The office is hoping that the bid they have been working on for so long will actually be theirs. The VA has asked for them to clarify some things and the last time they did this, they were awarded the job. It will be a nice job if that happens, about $350 million.

I have my pre-op doctor's appointment today. It should go just fine. I am still so nervous about this surgery as I haven't been able to find anything that spells out to me what will actually take place. I want to know so I have the information. I will be laying on my stomach during the surgery which is new and I think that is throwing me a little. How are they going to administer the anesthetic? Do I start off laying on my stomach or do they do that when I am out? See, just questions I would like to have answered. I know I will get them answered but I want them known now.

We will have a maid service starting tomorrow as I won't be able to do things for quite awhile once I have my foot done. It should take a lot of stress from Dad too. We will take his dress shirts to the cleaners as I won't be able to stand and iron. Just getting things in order. We are hoping that I won't be out of commission too long.

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