Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The new floor is almost down

We have had workmen here for the last couple of days working on putting the tile floor down. It really has made a big difference in what it was before. It is a shame though that nothing else is being worked on. OH, I take that back, the door bell was fixed and moved to the other side of the wall.

They put the floor down in the laundry room except they were supposed to take up the washer and dryer, fill in the well they were sitting in with concrete and tile over the whole area. They really did a nice job putting tile around the W/D but that isn't what it is supposed to be. I just wish someone would oversee this project besides me. Now I need to send another email over to the contractor and inform him that a mistake has once again been made and needs to be corrected.

We haven't heard anything more about the window for the bathroom. We are expecting Santa Ana winds again by the end of the week which means heat. It will be difficult to air condition a house if one of your rooms is open. I don't like throwing money away. Hopefully it will come in this week. I guess I can add that onto my email - Where is the window?

It looks like things are getting close to finishing but it would go faster if someone would just work! We would not have started this project if they could not finish before Thanksgiving. They seem to be cutting it close by what we see. I just want to tell them to get their act in gear and finish. I am tired of being stuck in the house waiting. We are also tired of eating out everyday. I am trying to stay patient. I have things to do for Thanksgiving and I hate waiting to the last minute.

I know it will get done. I just have to keep saying that -- it will get done.

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