Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This will be A week...

It is a little cool this morning but not like others have been dealing with lately.  We are expected to get that Artic blast here by Wednesday night and wake up Thursday morning to very cold temperatures with a high of about 39 degrees.  Brrrrrrrr

This morning/late afternoon I saw an Oral Surgeon to have two implants put into my mouth.  (I know obviously...).  

The surgeon said it shouldn't take long to do and I will be sedated, thank goodness but awake. No pain until the very end when the numbness was starting to wear off.  I did my research and checked it all out on the Internet beforehand so I kinda knew what was going to be done.  Maybe too much information.  It went very well.  I am so, so, so glad I went this way and not by a regular dentist.

On Thursday, I will be going into Port Royal (Beaufort) to have my first infusion of Tysabri.  This is a very powerful drug for MS to help slow down progression.  I had a visit with my nuerologist last month and I was told I was starting to decline and he wanted to stop things.  So, I will start having this infusion, that will take an hour and then I need to wait another hour to make I don't have any major side effects, every 28 days.  My biggest complaint is with my legs and balance.  Memory issues are present and was shown on the MRI films, so when I ask for you to repeat something just said, I do so because of this problem and not because you might think I didn't pay attention.  I have had some brain atrophy which means I no have some of the grey matter around the inside of the skull.

We changed our living room layout again.  We removed one of those green chairs by the slider and it really makes the room feel larger and more open.  We will keep it this way for awhile and may get another chair that is narrower than what we hand.  You will never know what will happen next...

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