Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Physical Therapy Part 2

i had another session today. It went pretty well. They do things a little different than the other places I have been at and I like it. They have a machine that can record your movements and tell the therapist what areas need to worked on by the person looking at the print out.

It was decided, and I knew this all along, that I do have problems with both my right and left sides. The doctor keeps telling me that my left side is weaker but I also have problems with my right leg. This just means I need to really work on both sides. I am hard on myself when I am slow at doing something but everything will take time. I have to stay patient and continue to work at the excersises.

Easier said than done! Frustration, feeling sorry for myself, wanting to give up before I give it a chance, just wanting a cheering squad when I do something right. I know I have done somethings that others have not but I just want that "pat on the back".

I will get through it. I just miss not being able to be "normal" and doing things that I want to do when I want to do them.

It just takes time.....remember that....it takes time!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

"Good things come to those who wait" ... a saying that can really be applied to so many situations. This one included. You will get there in time. Just have to take it all one step at a time (literally!). You will make it through this, I know you will. You have our support, you know that.