Saturday, December 19, 2009

Change in Plans

You didn't think that our plans were going to be cut and dry did you? Of course not! The bid that Dad was going to Denver to work on, has been postponed a week. It is still happening but just causes us to change flight arrangements. The problem that now exists is whether to continue to go to Denver a week ahead of time or cancel that first week and start the trip all over again. Have I confused everyone?

We originally were flying to Denver, December 28-January 6. Dad would then fly again on January 9 to be in Washington DC until January 13. OK, now he doesn't really need to be in Denver until January 4 with the bid going in on January 13. He then flies into Washington DC on January 16 with his presentation on the 21st.

We could continue with our original flight to Denver but it would mean for us to stay there for 2 1/2 weeks. We would be able to visit with Jenn and the kids, plus Uncle Alan and Aunt Bonnie but once Dad goes to work on the bid on January 4, what do I do? Especially for the next week and a half? I could fly back home early by myself. I could just stay there. I also could not go altogether and Dad changes his flight to January 4-13 and then to Washington DC from January 16-21.

So many options. Nothing is ever easy. We will keep you posted.

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