Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tomorrow is the day

We have been working all weekend trying to get all our things removed from all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom. It is hard to find places to put things and still be able to have access to everything. It is so comical to prepare a meal as you have to stop and think where certain pots and pans and your spatulas are located and then where your cutting boards, knives, and anything else you might need for the meal. Once that is finished, you need the silverware and dishes. We have food items in one room and other things can be located in two other rooms. It just requires a good memory where you might have placed things.

I guess it could be a game. The matching game. You need the salt and pepper, now find it. Where did you put a cake pan? Was it in this box? No, try again. You just have to have humor with all the craziness of everything. We are still waiting on the delivery of our bathtub, kitchen sink and faucet. We think it will be next week. We are going out today and buying a new dishwasher, sconces for the bathroom, and some recessed lighting for over the island area that we will have in the kitchen.

Dad is stressed about it. He is feeling anxious about things and how it will look. I am too because I hope that the way I think it should look will actually turn out the way I want it. It will be a major change. It is the unknown and you do start feeling unsure of yourself.

If anything, we have 500 square feet of floor tile in our garage, 2 bathroom sinks, 2 bathroom sink faucets, 1 tub faucet and shower, 1 curved shower rod, granite ordered for our kitchen counter tops, granite for our bathroom counter top, tile we hope that has been ordered for the bath tub skirt and shower surround, and tile for the kitchen back splash. We also asked for the back splash in the bath room to be of the same granite as the counter top. I say hope because I did not talk to anyone at the contractor's office but sent an email with the information. I will find out Monday if things have been done.

Just keep good thoughts for us. I have to hold it together for both of us. Dad does not do well with upheaval in his life. This is going to be one upheaval, for sure. I will post pictures as time goes on and as I am able. Let the "fun" begin!

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