Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Remodeling will begin

We just had a status walk through and it was decided that the construction company can do the remodeling in 30 days. They will start on October 20 and finish November 20-21. I am in for some loud noise and a lot of mess. The plan is to do both the bathroom and kitchen at the same time. I think Dad just realized that we won't be able to eat-in for a month. I just told him he will have to learn how to cook more on the grill. He wasn't worried about that so much as what are we going to do for breakfast!

We will have to see how things play out and whether they can keep the refrigerator going any. We will also have to wait until the last minute to get things for Thanksgiving. I guess we can get things that aren't needing to be cold but we will be in the lines at the store getting the other things like everyone else as turkey day draws near. We also have to figure out what extra things to get for Jennifer, Noah, and Madilynn, as they will be here too. (This will be a fun time) It will busy for sure.

This weekend and all next week, we will have to get all the faucets, sinks, drop down lights, paint, mirrors, grab bars, sconces, shower head, cabinet handles, etc., to have on hand when the contractor needs those items. We also have to pick out the granite for the countertops and the marble for the floor and tile. So much to do...

We also have to clear out the cabinets and put everything into boxes in preparation for the demo and remodel. What comes out, has to go back, so we will have to put back into cabinets once everything is finished. It will be different because cabinets are going to be located different so decisions will need to be made as to where things will be going. It will be like moving into a house and you remember how much fun that was trying to decide on things.

I just have to have good news tomorrow from the doctor so I can get moving again. There is so much to do and so little time...

Make lists, I need to make lists. Stay cool. Breath... I need to keep doing deep breathing. It will all come together. Patience, I need patience and calmness. Exciting days are ahead....

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