Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, surgery has been decided and the date has been set. I had my doctor's appointment today and it was decided to go ahead with the surgery as I have tried everything he has asked me to do. This problem has gone on for about 4 months now. He said it should have cleared up in 4-6 weeks. This will be the next step.

He will make a small cut along the tendon near the heel of my right foot. He will be cleaning out any scar tissue and checking out the tendon. If there are any tears, he will sew them up. He doesn't think I will have a big problem. He even feels I will be able to walk on the foot right away with using a special boot. This boot I will have for about 3 weeks. After this then I will be going back to physical therapy and slowly work myself back into things.

Now, if the doctor finds more than what he expects than I could have a longer recovery time. I then might have to go about 4-6 weeks, non-weight bearing, and then start physical therapy. He really doesn't see that happening though. The non-weight bearing will be a problem for me as I will either need to use crutches or a wheelchair to get around. I have tried using crutches and I am not very good. I guess I need Jon or Tony to show me how to use them :-)

My surgery is scheduled for September 8 at 9:25 am. The whole thing should take about 3-3 1/2 hours. This includes the surgery and recovery time. Dad has already told me that a "best and final bid" might be happening around this date and he hopes that it doesn't interrupt my surgery. I am sure he is just joking...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Sorry to hear that you will have to resort to surgery, but I will be praying for an easy surgery and a speedy recovery. Love you!