Monday, January 23, 2012


I can't believe how close the time is to make that move to South Carolina.  I am in the process of making the last minute doctor's and dentist appointments and arranging to get copies of records.

The doctor's and dentist said they would forward the records once a new doctor has been chosen but I rather have my information on the off chance that the records do not arrive in a timely fashion.  They might even be lost in the mail and I would have to do the asking all over again.

Sam/Dad is actually having to work all week this week.  He has two projects that will be taking up his time.  One is in Edmonton, Canada and the other is here in California, updating the Rose Bowl.  The Canada job has not been awarded yet but the company has been working with their Canadian counterpart to get their proposal together.  Sam will have times he will need to fly to Canada but he is prepared with his wardrobe as he had to get clothing when he flew to Fairbanks Alaska a few years back.  The last time he talked to someone in Edmonton, it was -20 degrees.  C...O...L...D!!!!!!

It is bittersweet when we leave permanently.  We have made some good friends and established ourselves in the community.  The MS Society, Pacific South Coast Chapter, know us as well as other MS Society's across the country.  That is because I am a MS Ambassador for the Society.  Sam and I will continue to fundraise and continue to have the golf tournament.

I did find out that there is not a MS Community yet in the Bluffton area.  There are no support groups!  I guess I know what I will be doing once I get settled.  I need the support and I am sure others will too.  I have already been in contact with the local society and once I am in Bluffton, South Carolina permanently, I will help get things moving.

The house still has not had any offers.  This has been the most frustrating part of having the house up for sale.  We lowered the price, the realtors who have looked at the house have said the house is well priced and should sell, we have had many open houses and continue to have, potential buyers have liked the upgrades and the view and yet we do not receive any contracts.  One would be so nice!

Our realtor feels the market is getting a little better and sees people out at Open Houses.  Anyone can go to an Open House.  I just hope they are the people that want to buy.

Does it sound like I am being a little cynical right now?  I am trying not to be but I am very anxious to sell  because we will still be paying for two mortgages on a reduced salary.  We will make it but it sure would be better if we were without that debt.

I am trying very hard to keep the faith that everything will work out.  I pray everyday, several times a day, for that illusive contract.  I know that things will happen in their own time but I sure wish it would happen sooner then later.

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