Monday, January 5, 2009

Changes Around the House

We have had some luck in locating a gift card that we had thought was taken. It was worth $500 so it was one that was very much wanted. It was located under some papers on our dresser. I just happened to sort through things and there it was - the gift card that caused such upset. It was a relief. It is still a shame that we could not find the other gift cards or the gifts. It is on that person's conscience. They must have really needed the gifts for their Christmas.

We cancelled the cleaning service, as I told you before, but we decided to change the house locks. I am waiting for the locksmith to arrive today to do just that for us. It is not a big deal to do it but it does take time away from your day because you have to wait for someone to show up.

We have been successful in replacing Jennifer's missing gifts. They aren't exactly like the ones she choose but we have taken pictures and sent them to her for her approval. They will be on their way to everyone as soon as we wrap and box them up.

We are enjoying our remodeling now that we are staying put for a while. We still have things to put away in the kitchen but it is looking pretty good. We have been trying to figure out what to do with our bedroom and the second bedroom. Our bedroom has been feeling crowded so we may get rid of or move the unit that has our TV on it at the present time. Dad has been wanting to get a flat screen TV for our room and this will give him a reason to do so. He will also be building one of his bookcases in the second bedroom. We will take the whole wall that the chest of drawers and bookcase are on now.

Tony and Abby have been talking about visiting us sometime in the summer if they are able. We have a queen size air mattress right now and thought we could get bunk beds for Gabe and Sophia. This will work for the space we think. We will work it out if the trip should occur.

It is chilly for California. We were in the 40's this morning with a high of about 60. It will be that way for most of the week until about Sunday when it should be about 75. That is more like it!

We are getting back into routine. I have started back with the physical therapy for the achilles tendon. I am starting on strengthening the tendon. Did I tell you that I fell in the hotel when we were checking out? Dad was putting the bags in the car and told me to wait and stay warm inside. I went to sit down and I stumbled and fell. I hit the coffee table with my stomach and landed on my knees, so I didn't hurt anything. I was afraid that I might have hurt the tendon but everything is OK. My stomach muscles hurt for a few days but I was glad that I did not damage the foot. This whole process has been going on since April 2008. I hope it will be over soon.

As far as the fall, it was a toe drag. The foot did not pick up completely. I just joked with Dad and said there was a bump in the carpet that made me stumble. It also was the cold. My legs don't do well with it. They get a heavy feeling and I start walking slower. It is one of those things I have to deal with from time to time. The heat can do the same thing to me. There isn't a perfect condition for me.

Well, I guess it is back to the house and finding new homes for our stuff.

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