Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The ring has been found

The wedding ring has been found. It was at the bottom of my purse. What makes this so weird is that it was a purse I wasn't even using the night the ring went missing. I came across the ring when I was looking for something else in my regular purse today. It was one of those moments that you wonder - how in the world? - but it was there.

I did feel relief that it was found. I just wonder how did it get into a purse I didn't even use. What a mystery!

I don't think I told you but I received diamond earrings for Valentine's day. It was a surprise to say the least. I worry every time I wear them that I don't loose them; that the backing doesn't come off. I constantly am checking to make sure they are on tight. My ears are sore after wearing them as I have pushed the backing and earring together constantly. At least I know they are there.

A cold has finally gotten one of us. It isn't me. Dad has been dealing with one for the last few days. He isn't doing too bad. He is tired, congested, appetite is off, and just wanting the cold to be done. Basically the same things everyone else has dealt with for some time. We have done pretty well to have gone this far without getting sick. We didn't even get sick when we visited at Christmas. We think it was from all the hand shaking that Dad does.


Skippy Lugnut said...

Happy to hear about your ring being found. We found screw backs for Michelle's earrings. The backs screw onto the posts so that they can't slip off.

Tell dad that we hope he feels better.

Abby said...

Mom, Thank you for the mini pages you sent the kids, Sophia and I did a dot to dot and read one of the stories, it was nice of you to think of them!