Thursday, February 7, 2008

Election time is over for now

We made it through Election Day! It was such a long day -- we started at 5:00 am and went until about 11:00 PM. Dad and I set up the machines the night before after moving tables and chairs out of the way. We also put up some indoor signs. This all took us about an hour. The next morning we arrived back at the polling place at around 5:45. We started by putting up the outside signs while we waited for the rest of the people to show up for work. We do get paid for this but it isn't a lot. I think I get $75 for the day and Dad gets $100.

The polls are to open at 7:00 am but we started having people show up at 6:30. I guess they were hoping to get in early to vote before going to work. We can't even open the polls until 7 even if we were ready. We had a big rush at the beginning but it would die down. We were expecting a lot more people then we did get. The amount of people just came in waves but not the crush we were told to expect. The one problem we did have were with the Non-Partisan voters. They thought they could vote for anyone on this ballot and were surprised when they couldn't do what they wanted. All they basically had were the propositions to vote for so we had to go through a lot of paperwork to change them to another party so they could vote. It did keep us busy.

We all were so happy when 8:00 PM hit. We could announce that the polls were closed. We went to take down signs and to prepare to put things together to drop off. (Continuance) We did have one person show up after the polls closed hoping to vote. Too Late!!

I was wiped out the next day. I was so tired. I could not concentrate on anything. Dad was fine as he went to work and took care of me when he got home. I had to go to bed early which was very unusual for me. We will have to do it again in June and then in November for the general election for president. That day should be very busy.

Dad and I had to leave our house for 4 hours today because of an open house. We had many lookers but most of them wanted a 3 bedroom versus a 2 bedroom. Oh well, if it is meant to be it will happen. I have always said that but you still hope.

Very warm day today. In the 70's and sunny. Beautiful view of the mountains and especially the snowcapped ones. Very pretty! What a day ...

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