Saturday, January 26, 2008

We have the house on the market

Well, we have signed the papers to put our house on the market as of this afternoon. On Tuesday there will be a walk through from the realtor's office and then on Thursday will be any other real estate agents from other companies. I will need to be out of the house on Thursday from 9:30-1:00. What will I do, I haven't a clue right now. We will have the house advertised until the end of April. Here is hoping that something good will come of this!

We will be going to the Garth Brook's concert tonight. It is suppose to be windy and rainy so I am hoping that it won't be a big problem. The snow on the mountains is unbelievable! So pretty... I will try and get a picture to post.

With the house on the market comes house cleaning. What a way to purge things! I am so anal about this house anyway that you give me a job of straightening and cleaning and I'm there! Now I just need to make sure I don't overdo... We will have many options for rentals if this house does sell and we will want to cut things down anyway so it is a win win situation.

Now I have to make sure the house is straighten before I leave anytime and the lock box is out. What fun......

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