Monday, May 12, 2008

New type of Boot

I have had a lump on the back of my Achilles tendon for a couple of months. It has started to be painful first thing in the morning and when I have walked for some time. I decided to have it checked out with a podiatrist and my appointment was this morning.

He did an ultra scan on the area and I do have a small tear in the tendon. It is not something at this point that I have to have any surgery but I do have a boot that rocks to keep the pressure off the tendon. It goes all the way up to my knee. I am to take an anti-inflammatory (prescription), keep it iced, rest it and start physical therapy. Hopefully in three to four weeks it will be all better.

IF it isn't at that time, than he will do an MRI to see what is going on but he thinks that doing the above will take care of it. The spot that has torn is the watershed area. It is the area where a lot of athletes will tear or you would hear that they had torn their Achilles tendon - this is the spot.

How did I do this, you ask? I have no clue. It could have been something I did a while ago and it has just gotten progressively worse. I do remember a small bump but did not think anything of it. I did pay attention when it got bigger!

I was to go with Dad this week to Monterey, CA. He is leaving it up to me as to whether I want to go but he has been hinting for me to stay home. I really can't do anything up there. For the spouses they were going to have an outing to the Aquarium. It did sound like it would have been very interesting as you were going to see things the public would not. It would require walking and even though I could with the boot, how tired will I get? It isn't the same thing with Dad and the wheelchair. I would have to do everything with my own power.

What a decision!

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