It is a new year. What will it bring to one and all? As we get older, it seems that days get busier and busier and we run out of time. This happens even if you are retired; from your job, from volunteering, from making a life choice to change your life. What has happened to us that we run out of time? We used to take time to visit neighbors, to talk to our kids, to see and visit with family. The economy plays a part, as well as, family and friends being spread across the country. Why can't we stay connected? Is our life so busy that we can't just stop to say hello?
I saw our grandchildren for Christmas in 2012. It was an effort to plan and to travel to do it. I enjoyed being with my grown and successful children and my 7 grandchildren. It was still hard to try and fit in all the time needed and wanted by the grown children and still trying to give attention to the grandchildren. There was such maneuvering and planning, with disappointments included, when one could only be at one place at a time. You can only do the best you can to accommodate all the plans and needs from everyone. Sometimes you are successful and sometimes you are not. Someone will always be unhappy in the end.
I always want to make everyone happy. I try to see everyone's point of view and need, to work with the time I have to give, and yet I seem to fail in accomplishing the goal I have set for myself; to give an equal amount of time.
I do not have the resources to have a place in each state to accommodate everyone's desire. I really wished I did and with it, the resources to cover my travels. Limitations are always in the forefront of every decision; whether it be travels, purchases, visits, your life!
Is there any answer to this quandary? What does one do to keep moving forward in life without sacrificing connections? Do we need to go back to a slower way of life? Was there ever one?