I am back on the monthly steroids (solumedrol, 1000 mgs) again but I am hoping it is just for a short course this time. I have been having some walking issues again. My legs just didn't want to work well for me after walking just a short time. The main problem was with my right foot and leg. When it fatigues, it causes what is called a "dropped foot". What this means is that it becomes more difficult for me to pick up my foot so that I clear things. This is why I can trip over the weirdest things like a piece of carpet or the floor. I really have to watch and concentrate to make sure my foot is lifted when I walk. I also start to walk slower and slower as my legs fatigue more and more. I tell you, MS is a real pain! (not literally for me)
I have an "AFO" (Artificial Foot Orthotic) or a brace for my foot. It keeps my foot in the upright position so I can walk fairly normal without the fatigue factor. The only problem I have with it is with driving. I can't use it when I do. So even with the steroid series, I will still need to use the brace. I am just hoping it won't be as often as I having to use it now.
The other side effect of this steroid (solumedrol)- it can cause one to have a lot of energy and not be able to sleep. So I could be in for a long night tonight.